One of the requests we see most of in the forums for registered managers is for examples of policies. RMs who are already pushed for time are all too often spending precious hours and days writing and updating policies under the misapprehension that it is a good use of their time and a money saver. Here’s why:
- CAREis don’t believe in complex language and long rambling policies, all our policies are written in plain English
- CAREis has over 220 policies all ready to be adopted and adapted to your specific needs
- All our policies get a regular update – so you don’t have to fit this in to your busy schedule
- Professionally written policies aid with compliance
- All of your staff team have live access 24/7, 365 days a year to policies on their SMART device
- As a manager you can see who’s read what and so increase compliance within the team
- All policies come in Word and can therefore be downloaded and printed
- CAREis policies are written and updated by subject experts
- The CAREis policy suite, compares to the leading players in the field
- The CAREis suite is great value for money
- CAREis does not tie you in and there are no in-App purchases, what you see is what you get
As well as offering great value and the peace of mind of having a full suite of care policies covering residential and domiciliary care, if you use any of our other products, you get policies at a discount.
Still not persuaded? Then drop us an email to arrange a no-obligation chat and demonstration.