You may well feel that things are going okay, so no need to rock the boat. Why trouble trouble until trouble troubles you, right? We are not so sure. As Charles Darwin pointed out:
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Since all organisations function in dynamic environments, they constantly have to change themselves to succeed. Change is basically a variation in pre-existing methods, customs, and conventions. As a Care Provider you may be doing okay with your current paper based physical system of operating and maintaining. Hence, you may not understand the need for change. If staff do not understand the need for change you can expect resistance. Especially from those who strongly believe the current way of doing things works well … and has done for past so many years!
So, let us look at the benefits you are missing out on.
First of all the regulator and the local authority will see that you are not standing still. They will see that you want to innovate and improve from an already good position.
Alongside this CAREis provides you with many more benefits:
Adaptable to Your Specific Needs – No doubt your systems have been developed over time to meet your own specific needs. Hence, CAREis has been made adaptable to use the language you use and to ensure assessments, audits and other forms meet regulatory requirements and adapt to regulatory and legislative change.
Save Time and Money – You start saving right away on paper and printing costs, which in the long run can be considerable. The inbuilt tools for completing care records and audits electronically save you time, which can then be spent on providing better care to the people who use your service.
Meet your Regulations and Achieve Outstanding Ratings – Get peace-of-mind knowing that with CAREis, it is quick, easy and straightforward for any inspector or auditor to access the information for care and support, auditing, health and safety, training, supervisions etc. They can also review your action plans and see how you have responded to issues and incidents. With care and support interventions being recorded in real time, you will be able to show inspectors and auditors that staff have more time with the people who use your service. This helps you to achieve CQC ratings of good and outstanding.
Remote Access to the System, Anytime, Anywhere – With CAREis you have remote access to the system and this can be shared with other parties, depending on consent and need. During crises such as COVID, CAREis helps massively in keeping communications open with relatives, who can view daily notes, pictures and messages. The local authority can remotely assess for DoLS, and also review care plans and assessments when needed. CQC and other auditors can also be given remote access to review services as well as specific audits and inspection records.
Improve Service & Care and Thereby Ratings – With auditing and overview time reduced, managers have much more time to interact with staff and people within the service, meaning more time to innovate and improve the service. Real-time monitoring helps deliver proactive, high-quality and targeted care, thereby improving service and people outcomes. This can lead to improved ratings.
Save Space and Earn Income – With no need for physical archiving you can save space which could be used for many purposes including increasing capacity and income.
Secure the Data – With all data stored securely in the cloud you are protected from loss of data stored in files in a fire or flood.
Easy to Use – The intuitive design makes CAREis easy to use. Care is taken to ensure everyone is trained and confident in the use of the devices and the CAREis system.
Keep Staff Informed – At the start of each shift, the handover function ensures that all staff are fully informed and all notes are consolidated in one place. There is provision to flag crucial information.
There will sometimes be resistance to change. And you can tackle the resistance to change from your employees by taking in to confidence any stakeholders, bringing them on board and keeping them informed. You will also need to give advance assurance and then, with our support, go on to implement adequate training in the new system until everyone is comfortable. The other apprehensions and concerns of the stakeholders regarding the change should be explicitly sought and addressed. Once these things are taken care of, you will find that the transition to CAREis is a smooth process and highly rewarding.